Navigating Change: Thematic Investing in an Uncertain World
Mark ChuaHead, Investment Science Maybank Asset Management ![]() The world we inhabit today is characterized by profound and major changes. Technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and societal transformations unfold at an unprecedented scale. As investors, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of transformation and uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the concept of thematic investing — a strategic approach that capitalizes on emerging trends — and discuss how to navigate today’s volatile investment landscape.
The World in Flux
Themes — such as artificial intelligence, climate change, geopolitical shifts, and societal transformations — shape our future. They represent powerful trends that permeate our lives, disrupting traditional industries and creating new opportunities. Moreover, themes are not static; they evolve over time and have unique lifecycles.
While some would argue that there is nothing new about changes, we would argue that this time is different – today’s transformations happen so rarely that we refer to them as ‘once in a generation events’. For example, the US enjoyed more than 30 years as the sole global superpower after the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, but today we are starting to see the emergence of a multi-polar world that is changing the underpinnings of global interactions. China’s role as the world’s factory since it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001 is now being fundamentally reassessed as businesses diversify their supply chains. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a foundational innovation similar to the invention of commercial electricity and internal combustion engine in the 1800s. Changes at the foundation level of how the world is organized gives rise to heightened uncertainty as impacts flow downstream.
For a world in flux, thematic investments offer a compelling proposition. By focusing on specific trends, we can align our portfolios with the forces that drive change. Whether it’s investing in clean energy companies or cybersecurity firms, thematic strategies allow us to participate in growth stories that resonate with the times that we are living in.
Advances in Thematic Investing While thematic investing is alluring, we find that traditional thematic funds often lack agility. They are usually built around static themes, which may not capture the life cycle of trends in the real world. Imagine holding a basket of technology stocks during the dot-com bubble burst — painful, right? Similarly, sticking rigidly to a theme without adjustments can lead to missed opportunities or excessive risk.
Quantitative (quant) technology — the marriage of data science and finance — offers a solution. By analyzing vast datasets, quant models identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies that facilitate the early detection of emergent trends. When applied to thematic investing, quant models can dynamically adjust exposure to themes.
Human Judgment Meets Machine Intelligence
Effective thematic investing combines art and science. We believe experienced Fund Managers can play a crucial role in the process. Their expertise, intuition, and understanding of market nuances complement quantitative models. They interpret signals, validate hypotheses, and explain decisions. When regimes change, fund managers act swiftly, recalibrating models to adapt. Fund Managers also watch out for blind spots that quant models do not handle well, such as political changes, corporate governance issues, and data quality problems.
In the ever-evolving landscape of asset management, the integration of technology has become paramount. Maybank Asset Management’s Investment Science team was established with a clear mission: to enhance investment processes using cutting-edge quantitative technology. Leveraging data-driven insights, we identify emerging investment trends and dynamically adjust portfolios.
Given the nature of changes we face today, it is almost impossible for a human fund manager to rely on logical reasoning to figure out the impact of new trends and how it benefits businesses. Quant models are a more efficient way to monitor a broad universe and identify businesses that are capitalizing on emergent trends.
Illustrative Investment Themes
Three overarching themes shaping our world are Technology, Climate Change and Geopolitical Shifts. Specific trends that are identified by our quant models include
Conclusion In this era of transformative change, thematic investments offer a compass. They guide us toward growth areas, but their fluidity demands adaptability. By embracing quant technology, skilled fund managers can ride the waves of change. Themes may evolve, but our commitment to staying informed and agile remains constant. You can find Maybank funds herei ii This document has been prepared solely for informational purposes with no consideration given to the specific investment objective, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person and should not be used as a basis for making any specific investment, business or commercial decisions. This document does not constitute (1) an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or financial instrument mentioned in this document and (2) any investment advice or recommendation. Investors should seek financial or any relevant professional advice regarding the suitability of investing in any securities or investments based on their own particular circumstances before making any investments and not on the basis of any recommendation in this document. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The Fund or any underlying fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments. Investors should note that the value of units and income from them, if any, may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive less than originally invested. Investors should be aware of the risks involved when investing. Please seek clarification on the potential risks that may arise prior to any decision made to invest in any investments. Investments in fund are not deposits in, obligations of, or guaranteed or insured by Maybank Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd. A copy of the prospectus or offering document is available and may be obtained from Maybank Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd and its appointed distributors or our website ( Investors should read the prospectus/offering document (including risk warnings) before deciding to invest. The opinions, analysis, forecasts, projections and/or expectations (together referred to as “Information”) contained herein are inputs provided by entities within Maybank Asset Management Group which have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and are based on the technical investment expertise. Maybank Asset Management Group makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied that such Information is accurate, complete or verified and should not be relied to as such. The Information contained herein are published for the recipients’ reference only and is subject to change without notice. Maybank Asset Management Group accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from use of this presentation. No part of this document may be distributed or reproduced in any format without the prior consent of Maybank Asset Management Group. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.