dollarDEX Focused Fund List
Top performing funds in widely invested regions and strategies ![]() This section highlights funds in key regions and strategies that have delivered the strongest risk-return over the last 12 months. The list is based on the 1-year Sharpe Ratio*, while also taking the Morningstar Ratings into consideration.
* Funds showcased in the Focus Funds List have been selected based on 1-year Sharpe Ratio and Morningstar ratings as provided by Morningstar as of 31-July-2024. Performance numbers provided are as-of 31-August 2024. The focus funds list is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to buy into the funds and does not consider suitability of the individual.
Equity - US: BGF US Growth A2 USD
Why BGF Growth A2 USD:
Equity - Europe: ESIUT Pan European Fund S$
Why ESIUT Pan European Fund S$:
Equity - Asia: Eastspring Asian Low Volatility Eq Adm USD
Why Eastspring Asian Low Volatility Eq Adm USD:
Equity - Japan: NikkoAM Japan Dvd Eq Hedge SGD
Why NikkoAM Japan Dvd Eq Hedge SGD:
Equity - Emerging Markets: Allspring Emerging Mkts Eq Inc A Dis USD
Why Allspring Emerging Mkts Eq Inc A Dis USD:
Equity - Global: Fullerton Lux Gbl Absolute Alpha A Acc SGD
Why Fullerton Lux Gbl Absolute Alpha A Acc SGD:
Equity - Sector Funds: Janus Henderson Horiz Gbl Tech Leaders A2 Acc U$
Why Janus Henderson Horiz Gbl Tech Leaders A2 Acc U$:
Energy & Commodities: SISF Global Gold HA Acc SGD
Why SISF Global Gold HA Acc SGD:
Alternative Investment: BSF Systematic Asia Pac Eq Absolute Return A2 U$
Why BSF Systematic Asia Pac Eq Absolute Return A2 U$:
Multi-Asset: AB SICAV I AllMktIncPort AX S$
Why AB SICAV I AllMktIncPort AX S$:
Investment Grade Bonds: Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus AMg U$
Why AB SICAV I AllMktIncPort AX S$:
Investment Grade Bonds: Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus AMg U$
Why Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus AMg U$:
High Yield Bonds: Fid EuroHighYield A-MDIST EUR
Why Fid EuroHighYield A-MDIST EUR
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