Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Absolute Return Fund A2 Acc HSGD
Recent Price
Fund description
The Fund aims to provide a positive (absolute) return, regardless of market conditions, over any 12 month period. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any other time period, and particularly over the shorter term the Fund may experience periods of negative returns. Consequently your capital is at risk. The Fund invests at least two-thirds of its total assets in shares or equity-related instruments of companies, which are domiciled in or derive most of the revenue from Europe (including UK). The Fund makes extensive use of derivatives (complex financial instruments) to take both long and short positions in the companies and may invest in companies of any size, in any industry.
Fund Performance
Prices shown are indicative and are usually based on prices of 2-4 dealing days earlier, and may not be exactly the price used for individual trades. Prices and returns on this page may be based on a reference price in a different currency to that of the fund dealing price. Returns experienced by individual clients may differ from those shown below. Clients should not rely on these prices for decision making. Fund prices provided by third-parties. dollarDEX does not guarantee any prices or valuations shown, and accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.
1 week
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 years
Since start *
Annualized Return %
1 week
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 years
since start *
Annual Volatility %
1 week
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 years
since start *
Sharpe ratio +
1 week
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 years
since start *
*Since start means from start of data available to dollarDEX and may not coincide with inception of fund.
Performance chart
Fund details
Price frequency | Daily |
Pricing basis | Forward |
Dealing basis (subscriptions) What is this? | T+0 |
Dealing basis (redemptions) What is this? | T+0 |
Sector | All |
Asset class | Equity |
Asset sub-class | Mixed |
Region | Europe Peer funds |
Dividend distribution option | NA |
Launch price | SGD 10.00000 |
Price currency [1] | SGD |
Payment currency | SGD |
Investment type | Cash, SRS |
Risk (volatility) What is this? | Medium Low |
Fund annual management & service fee
[2] (built into daily pricing, check prospectus for details) |
1.200% |
Latest bid/NAV price | SGD 15.22000 (12-Feb-2025) |
Bid price changes from last available price | +0.20% |
Benchmark | 50% MSCI Europe (inc UK) Total Return Net Dividends Index and 50% ECB benchmark rate |
Minimum initial investment | SGD 2,500 |
Minimum subsequent investment | SGD 500 |
Minimum RSP investment | SGD 100 |
1 Usually same as fund dealing currency (refer to prospectus). Some funds have a SGD reference price used by Navigator.
2 Total of fixed annual management and service fees. Check fund prospectus for details including variable performance fees, if any, which may not be included here.