What we offer
An investment portfolio that's made for you
Whatever your objectives are - be it for your retirement, children's education fund or wealth accumulation - make sure that your investments are a good match for your risk profile.
New to investment?
Leave it to the experts to match a dollarDEX investment portfolio* that has the projected returns you need within your risk tolerance.
How does the dollarDEX investment portfolio* work?
Complete a risk questionnaire to identify your risk profile. An investment portfolio will be presented after your risk profile is determined. You can decide to invest in the entire investment portfolio or any of the funds with your cash or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) funds.
*dollarDEX investment portfolios are administered by Navigator Investment Services Ltd.
What is your investor profile?
Putting money into your funds on a regular basis is a smart way to invest as you dont have to worry when the best time is to invest. But there is more than one way to regularly invest. Investing a regular amount each month allows you to ride out price fluctuations, unlike a lump-sum investment which is at the mercy of market timing.
Regular savings plans (RSPs)

With these plans, you simply set a fixed monthly investment amount ($1,000 a month for example) which will be deducted from your bank account and invested into your selected funds. If the stock market is down one month, then your $1,000 buys you more units. And if it's up another month, then your $1,000 will buy you less units. It's also known as dollar cost averaging.
From as little as $100 monthly, you can start building the foundation for your financial dreams.
Invest with a Regular Savings Plan (RSP) at no fees charged to you!